Orange Squad (8-9 years old)
Orange Squad focuses on fun and acquiring basic ski technique. Skiers work on both classic and skate skiing throughout the season. Skiers can also participate in fun races. Orange Squad runs two days a week with an option for a third day during the ski season.
Purple Squad (10-11 years old)
Purple Squad focuses on perfecting ski technique and on putting it in to practice. At this age, more dryland training is introduced and athletes get more on-snow time. Athletes also get more exposure to racing. Purple Squad has two and three days per week program options.
Green Squad (12-13 years old)
Green Squad athletes focus on becoming confident racers. Green Squad works on racing technique and on smooth transitions between techniques. Athletes build their endurance and strength to become stronger skiers. Rollerskiing becomes key to training with this group. Green Squad has two training camps and one out of Territory race trip each year. During the ski season, Green Squad athletes can ski either two or four days per week.
Blue Squad (14+)
Blue Squad is a competitive, race-focused team. Blue Squad trains year-round to build endurance, strength, technique and racing skills. Blue Squad athletes attend four or five training camps through the summer and fall. Athletes can be selected to several race trips, including Ski Nationals and World Junior Trials. Blue Squad athletes attend two practices per week in the Summer and four practices per week in the fall and winter.
Red Squad (Nationally recognized athletes, nominated by CCY)
Red Squad supports nationally-recognized Yukon athletes pursuing high performance skiing. Athletes are nominated to the Red Squad based on their results from the previous season. Athletes are typically training outside the Yukon with University teams or National Training Centres.
Resources for Squad Skiers
Find useful information for every athlete in the squad program.
Resources for Parents
Do you have a child in our squad program? You will find useful background information here.
Resources for Coaches
Volunteer coaches are a crucial part of our squad program. If you are interested in becoming a coach or have been volunteering for a long time, this is your resource for all information around coaching.